General guidelines for the use of TAB NZ net proceeds
TAB NZ will mainly apply the net proceeds generated from its Class 4 Gaming Operation to its own Racing Authorised Purposes for the Promotion, Control and Conduct of a Race Meeting (as defined in the Racing Industry Act 2020). TAB NZ has determined that at least 80% of its net proceeds shall be applied to the Racing Authorised Purposes.
TAB NZ will distribute net proceeds to New Zealand communities under its Sports Authorised Purpose, with a maximum allocation of 20% of net proceeds.

General sports funding information
All funding is subject to the availability of funds and compliance with the Sports Authorised Purposes statement, and the eligibility and prioritisation policy for the distribution of Class 4 net proceeds.
Retrospective applications will not be approved - all grants must be applied to specific and future purposes. Grant applications must be received by and processed before the actual event is held or the cost(s) incurred. TAB NZ recommends that applications be received at least six weeks prior to the event for our processing purposes. A valid application contains all the required documentation as outlined in the checklist in the grant application form.
The completion of a grant application form does not constitute approval of the request for funds or, if approved, does not mean that further payments to the same recipient or for the same purpose will be approved in the future.
The grant application form must be completed by the applicant only.
TAB NZ Gaming Grant Funding will NOT include a GST portion regardless of the applicant's registered GST status.
TAB operators cannot make any decisions or recommendations about applications and cannot action funding requests.
Applying for a gaming grant
TAB NZ encourages applicants to familiarise themselves with the following documents prior to applying for gaming grant funding:
- Distribution Of Net proceeds to Sports Authorised Purposes
- Eligibility And Prioritisation Policy For Distribution Of Class 4 Net Proceeds
Please use the layout outlined in the declaration of consent document when applying online:
Gaming applications can be made through our online gaming grant system:
Please note: TAB New Zealand's ability to support racing and amateur sports organisations across New Zealand through Class 4 gaming funding is subject to the ability to generate these funds. Like many organisations, operational restrictions and store closures from COVID-19 have impacted our ability to generate these funds over the past year.
While TAB New Zealand will continue to endeavour to return as much as possible, less funding than in previous years is currently available to support racing and sport organisations. We thank you for your understanding.
Net proceeds meeting dates
- 25 September 2024
- Final received date: 16 August 2024
- All applications must be received by TAB NZ by 5pm on the final received date outlined above in order for the application to be considered at the next Net Proceeds Committee Meeting. Applications not received by this date will be deferred until the next meeting. Once applications close, we will assess your application and if we require additional information, we will contact you by email to request this. If you fail to provide additional information at least 10 working days before the meeting date, this may result in your application not being considered, or being declined. TAB NZ takes no responsibility for incomplete and incorrect applications.
For further information regarding further information on our Net Proceeds, including our meeting dates, please contact our TAB NZ Gaming team by emailing
Annual review of grants procecesses and policies
TAB New Zealand (formerly the New Zealand Racing Board) began Class 4 gaming operations on 8 August 2011, and is required to conduct an annual review of the current criteria, methods, systems and policies that have been implemented when considering the distribution of the net proceeds from Class 4 gambling. The review will conducted on or before each anniversary.
Complaints process
All complaints must be made in writing and posted to:
Gaming Team
TAB New Zealand
PO Box 618
Wellington 6140
All complaints received will be investigated by the appropriate General Manager and/or Chief Executive Officer and referred to the Board for prompt resolution (if required). If a satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved, independent mediation will be sought to resolve any outstanding issues. Alternatively, complaints can be made with the Department of Internal Affairs.